Thursday, December 6, 2012

{Miller,Preston,Fisher & Moss Families}

Finally getting around to blogging all the shoots since October... Yes I have been crazy swamped with sessions one after the other. Being a mom and doing this part time has become pretty busy. The next couple posts will be updating all the fall family shoot I got to do. Thanks to everyone who participated in the sessions for the Family Christmas Card special with. I will for sure be doing this next year again since It was such a hit!

The Preston Family
My cousin's family.... I have taken there pictures the last couple years and they are growing (and adding a little boy finally) to the mix. They are always wonderful for pics. Love this family!!! for anyone looking to get cards,invites, announcements ex. My best friend designed all my Christmas cards this year. You can find her at Polka Dots'n Pinstripes She's amazing!

The Miller Family
I have been able to capture these kids for over a year now and they keep growing and changing so fast. They have the funnest personalities. Love ya Amber!!

 The Fisher Family
Such a great family to meet. Even if it was freezing this day the kids did great and pulled through the whole shoot. It was my pleasure meeting them and capturing these beautiful babies!

 The Moss Family
Absolutely loved these three girls!! They were so much fun to watch as a mother and daughters play and take photos for. I loved watching the love they all have for each other and just hope I can have that with my girls once there older :) (Teenage years can be rough with some fun personalities and I have three dramatic girls to look forward to) Thanks Moss girls! You all are wonderful!

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