Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pope Wedding- {Utah Wedding Photography}

LOVE,LOVE,LOVE These two and there beautiful love story! I have been able to capture there family for the last year and there babies melt my heart. Chris is an amazing dad and Ashley is a wonderful mom making for the best family I could get to know and be a part of there special day.....straight from the words of Chris from his Facebook post.. Read there love story here!

My wife, Ashley Pope, and I have known each other for over 15 years. We began dating over 2 years ago even though we both felt a connection to each other well before then. After dating for 6 months, I proposed and we were engaged on July 4th. Shortly after that, we found that neither Ashley or Payton had medical insurance due to a mix up. We decided to make a run to Vegas and get married since we were sure of our connection to each other. We were married on July 16 2011. Our plan was to come home and begin planning our big wedding with all our family and friends. Well, a few weeks after getting back from Vegas, we found a little surprise would be coming along in 9 months. We had just bought Ashleys dream wedding dress. So we put off the Utah wedding to have our beautiful little girl, Shailynn. Shortly after she was born, we were back on the wedding planning. We had ordered and paid for almost everything. And wouldn't you know it....surprise! We found out about our final baby....Kendalynn. as Ashley would be 9 months along if we got married on the date we wanted (july 16 2013), we moved the date up to March 9.
Now, two weeks before the wedding, Ashley was showing everyone her bridal pictures which I could not see. This dress had been in my closet for almost 2 years and I still had not seen it. I was told by anyone who saw it that it is the most beautiful dress they had ever seen. Well, on the wedding day, everyone was dressed, ready, and looking amazing. Our most precious family and friends were there and waiting as Ashley finished putting on this dress I had never seen. Finally it was time. I faced forward and linked arms with my mother, Debby Pope, and off we started down the eisle to Ashley and my song. My mother looked more beautiful than I had seen her in a long time. I walked her to her seat and turned to watch the rest of the wedding party walk down the isle. Zack looked great, lea looked great, Brent looked great, my sister Amanda looked amazing. Payton was the cutest ring bearer I have ever seen (even when he dropped the rings that rolled right up to me). Then Charles and the two gorgeous flower girls, Shailynn and Makena. Shailynn twirling those little feet like propellers.

Then, I finally saw the most beautiful woman I have ever known, walking down the isle to me. Ashley had a permanent smile glued to her face. Everything from hair and makeup to the way the dress was flowing was glowing was more perfect than I could have ever dreamed. I could not look away. All the suspense for this moment hit me at once. I began to tear up but held them back for I know I would never live that down. We linked arms and approached the pastor, my uncle Ross Tyler. The service my uncle performed was more touching, meaningful, and spiritual than any moment I can remember to date. I could not avert my eyes from my gorgeous bride and her hazel eyes that showed as much love and wonderment as mine must be. My chest was pounding but not from being nervous or scared of what was happening. But from excitement to vow to almighty god and my closest friends and relatives to love and cherish Ashley for the rest of my life and longer.

I will not forget the words my uncle spoke as they were beautiful and by far the most meaningful words I have repeated in my life. The next closest only being my promise to protect the innocent.

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